четверг, 13 декабря 2012 г.

      The Christmas Traditions of USA

Many people in the United States celebrate Christmas Day on December 25. The day celebrates Jesus Christ's birth. It is often combined with customs from pre-Christian winter celebrations. Many people erect Christmas trees, decorate their homes, visit family or friends and exchange gifts.

What do people do?

People celebrate Christmas Day in many ways. In the days or even weeks before Christmas Day, many people decorate their homes and gardens with lights, Christmas trees and much more. It is common to organize a special meal, often consisting of turkey and a lot of other festive foods, for family or friends and exchange gifts with them. Children, in particular, often receive a lot of gifts from their parents and other relatives and the mythical figure Santa Claus. This has led to Christmas Day becoming an increasingly commercialized holiday, with a lot of families spending a large part of their income on gifts and food.
Many Sunday schools, churches and communities organize special events. These can include decorating the neighborhood or a shopping mall, putting up a Christmas tree and planning a Nativity display, concert or performance. A lot of plays and songs have a aspect of Christmas as a theme. Some groups arrange meals, shelter or charitable projects for people without a home or with very little money.

Public life

Government offices, organizations, businesses and schools are closed, almost without exception. Many people visit relatives or friends and are out of town. This may cause congestion on highways and at airports. Public transit systems do not run on their regular schedules. In general, public life closes down completely.


The original meaning of Christmas is a special church service, or mass, to celebrate the birth of Christ. The story of the Nativity, or the events surrounding the birth of Jesus, are particularly important in religious celebrations of Christmas. However, many traditions that are around today have their roots in pre-Christian winter festivals. These include the importance of candles and decorations made from evergreen bushes and tree, symbolizing everlasting light and life.
In Roman times, a mid-winter festival was held. This was a relaxing time with a lot of parties and merry making. It was also common to give other people small gifts, such as dolls for children and candles for adults. This festival culminated with the celebration of the winter solstice, which fell on December 25 in the Roman calendar. In Scandinavia, a festival called Yule and lasting up to twelve days was held in late December and early January. In this time people burnt logs and held parties. These customs have influences how Christmas Day is celebrated today in the United States.
The Bible does not give a precise date for the birth of Jesus. It is also unclear when December 25 became associated with the birth of Jesus, although it may have been around two hundred years after his birth. In the early centuries of Christianity, the anniversary of the birth of Jesus was not a cause for celebrations. The idea of turning this day into a celebration started in the early Middle Ages in Europe.
During Reformation and up until the middle of the 1800s, Christmas was often not celebrated because partying and merry making was seen as unchristian. From about 1840, celebrating Christmas became more widespread. December 25 was declared a federal holiday in the United States in 1870. Since then Christmas Day has become a steadily more important holiday.

                EDGAR   ALLAN  POE

Одетый нарядно
Искать Эльдорадо,
Покинул край свой родной.
Ни в солнце, ни в слякоть,
Не станет он плакать
Отчаянный всадник-герой.
Годы прошли,
Мечту унесли.
Не смог он найти то, что надо.
В сердце печаль,
Взгляд грустный вдаль.
“Где же ты есть, Эльдорадо?”
Странника встретил,
Когда на рассвете
Силы стал рыцарь терять.
“Не надо мне злата,
Но где Эльдорадо,
Мне очень хотелось бы знать”
“Видишь те горы,
Лунные горы?
Тебе пересечь бы их надо.
Долину теней
Ты преодолей
И встретишь своё Эльдорадо.”


              American Indians in Iowa

The original inhabitants of the area that is now Iowa included:

The Dakota Sioux tribe

The Illinois (Illini) tribe  

The Ioway tribe

The Missouria tribe

The Otoe tribe


Apparently borrowed by the French from Ayuhwa, the Dakota term applied to them, which, according to Riggs, signifies "sleepy ones." Skinner (1926) states that Iowa is their own name, but I feel sure that it has been borrowed in later years.
History. In the earliest historical period the Iowa were living on a western affluent of the Mississippi conjectured by Mott (1938) to have been the Upper Iowa. Later they moved into the northwestern part of the present State of Iowa about the Okoboji Lakes and probably extended into southwestern Minnesota to the neighborhood of the Red Pipestone Quarry and to the Big Sioux River. In the latter part of the eighteenth century they passed over to the Missouri and settled south of the spot where Council Bluffs now stands and on the east side of the river. About 1760 they moved east and came to live along the Mississippi between the Iowa and Des Moines Rivers. Their principal town was on the Des Moines River and for a long time at a spot in the northwestern part of Van Buren County. Early in the nineteenth century part of them seem to have moved farther up the Des Moines while others established themselves on Grand and Platte Rivers, Mo. At this time they seem to have come into contact with the Dakota and to have suffered considerably in consequence. There is a tradition that they were defeated by Black Hawk in 1821. In 1814 they were allotted lands in what was known as "the Platte Purchase" extending from the Platte River of Missouri through western Iowa even to the Dakota country. By treaties signed August 4, 1824, July 15, 1830, September 17, 1836, and November 23, 1837, they ceded all of their claims to lands in Missouri and Iowa, and by that of Prairie du Chien, signed August 19, 1825, they surrendered all claims to land in Minnesota. The treaty of 1836 assigned part of them a reservation along Great Nemaha River, in the present Richardson County, Nebr., and Brown County, Kans., but it was considerably reduced by treaties of May 17, 1854, and March 6, 1861. Later part removed to Oklahoma to find homes in the present Lincoln and Noble Counties. Tradition assigns to this tribe a single origin with the WinnebagoOto, and Missouri, and it is borne out by the close linguistic relationship between them. Rather specific migration legends have been preserved giving an account of the movements of this tribal complex and the time and circumstances of the separation. If we are to believe these traditions, after separation from the Winnebago, the Iowa-Oto-Missouri mother tribe moved first to Rock River, Ill., near its junction with the Mississippi, and thence to the Des Moines River some distance above its mouth, after separating at the Iowa River into two bands, the one which became the Iowa moving to the northwest while the Oto-Missouri went on to the mouth of Grand River, where part remained becoming the Missouri while the rest, the Oto, went on westward up the Missouri. The historical documents do not bring the Iowa so far south and they also seem to link the Oto and Iowa closely together. We should, therefore, be inclined to dismiss the native traditions altogether were it not that we have to account for the Missouri who are not mentioned in early times in close conjunction with the other two but had reached the mouth of Grand River as early as 1687. It is, of course, possible that the Missouri separated from the Iowa-Oto or Iowa at Upper Iowa River instead of Iowa River, but it is also possible that the entire tribal complex moved somewhat farther south before their separation. The later stages of Iowa history given in the tradition already noted conform sufficiently well with the known historical facts to give us some confidence regarding the rest of the story though it varies in details. According to this, the Iowa went from the neighborhood of the Red Pipestone Quarry to the mouth of the Platte, and then in succession to the headwaters of the Little Platte River, Mo., to the west bank of the Mississippi slightly above the mouth of the Des Moines, to a point a little higher up on the same side of the Mississippi, southwestwardly to Salt River and up it to its extreme headwaters, to the upper part of Chariton River, to Grand River, and thence to Missouri River opposite Fort Leavenworth, where they lived in 1848 at the time when this narrative was related and the map accompanying it drawn.
By agreement, the Oklahoma tract held by the Iowa was granted to its occupants in severalty.
Population. In 1702 Iberville estimated that the war power of the Iowa was about 300 "good men." In 1736 Chauvignerie placed it as low as 80. An estimate made in 1760 gives the total population as 1,100 souls. In 1777 Cruzat reported that there were 250 warriors, and Lewis and Clark, in 1804, 200 warriors and a total population of 800. In 1829 we find an estimate of 1,000, and in 1832 Catlin gives one of the highest, 1,400. In 1836, however, an attempted census returned 992 but only 7 years later the United States Indian Office reported only 470. In 1885 there were 138 in Kansas, and 88 in Oklahoma. In 1905 the figures were 225 and 89 respectively. The census of 1910 returned 244 of whom 124 were in Kansas, 79 in Oklahoma, and 38 in Nebraska. The United States Indian Office Report of 1923 gave 338 in Kansas and 82 in Oklahoma, a total of 420. The census of 1930 returned 10 in Brown County, Kans.; 83 in Richardson County, Nebr.; 32 in Lincoln County, Okla.; 24 in Noble County, Okla.; and 5 in other States, or a total of 154. In 1937 there were 112 in Oklahoma. Although we have estimates of Iowa population higher than any above given, in one case as high as 8,000, it is evident that the figure suggested by Mooney (1928) as giving the probable population in 1780, i. e., 1,200, is nearer the truth-too high if anything.
Connection in which they have become noted. The Iowa were relatively inconspicuous in the early days, but their name will always be prominent because it was adopted as that of one of the great agricultural States of the Middle West. Iowa City, two rivers, a county, and several smaller places in the same State bear the name. There is also a county so designated in Wisconsin and villages in Kansas and California. There is a place of the name in Calcasieu Parish, La.; Iowa Falls in Hardin County, Iowa; Iowa Colony in Brazoria County, Tex.; Iowa Park in Wichita County in the same State, and Iowa Hill in Placer County, Calif.


The name Iowa is derived from an Indian word meaning: "this is the place" or "the beautiful land". 
Iowa Indians in color.jpg
To learn how to get started with American Indian research, find research facilities, and American Indian websites see the American Indian Genealogyarticle.

Various field offices of the Bureau of Indian Affairs --superintendencies, agencies,Indian schools, and others --created records of births, marriages, deaths, adoptions, censuses, schools, land allotments, probates, and other miscellaneous records. Many of these records are available only at the originating office, if that office is still operating. Some of the original records have been transferred to theNational Archives or to its regional archives. The Family History Library in Salt Lake City has microfilm copies of some of these records.

среда, 21 ноября 2012 г.

How the President of the U.S. Is Elected

Most people who run for president are already famous. After all, if you want to be chosen by a majority of the people in America, it helps if many of them know who you are.

Most people who run for president are already serving in government, as members of the U.S. Senate or the House of Representatives or as state governors. Former military officers have also run for president.
A presidential candidate first makes an official announcement that he or she is running for president. Then, he or she or someone else on his or her behalf must file papers with the federal elections commission, which regulates the election process. Candidates usually make these announcements at least a year before the presidential election, in order to give themselves enough time to get their messages out and also to give voters enough time to get to know the candidates.
Once the announcement is made, the candidate begins to work very hard to make sure that he keeps his or her name in the public eye.

When January of an election year rolls around, the candidates begin their heavy lifting for the campaign ahead. As more months go by, people in the American states gather to show their support for the various candidates. (It is very rare for just one candidate from a major political party to run for president, so many names means many people running for the same job.) These gatherings are called primary elections or caucuses. A primary election looks very much like a general election: Voters get ballots that list the names of the people running for president and then go to a polling place and vote for one of those people. A caucus is a gathering of people who discuss the issues and the candidates at a central location and then cast their votes for candidates.

The various states have their caucuses or primary elections throughout the late winter and spring and then have a major national gathering called a convention in the summer. Each political party picks a group of people from each state to represent the state at this convention. At the convention, the delegates cast their votes for the candidate who was the top vote-getter in that state in the caucus or primary election. (This is a warm-up for the Electoral College, which comes later.)
Once the conventions are finished, the home stretch for the presidential election begins. Speeches, fundraisers, and debates follow, with all candidates trying to keep themselves in the public eye as much as possible. The popularity of the Internet has added a dimension to candidates' ability to get their message across.

.The presidential candidate who receives the most votes in each states gets all of the electoral votes for that state.

When all the electoral votes are counted, the president with the most votes wins. In most cases, the candidate who wins the popular vote also wins in the Electoral College. 
The presidential election takes place in November, but the new president doesn't take office until January 20 of the following year.  Every four years, the process starts all over again.

Who can run for President?
He must be a natural-born citizen of the United States, be at least 35 years of age, and have been a resident of the United States for 14 years.
How long is the President in office?
He is in office for 4 years.
Can the President be reelected?
Yes. He can be reelected once. Overall he can be in office for 8 years.
Who can vote?
Anyone who is 18 years of age. There is no national list of eligible voters, so a citizen must first qualify by becoming registered. Citizens register to vote in conjunction with the place they live, if they move to a new location, they typically have to register again. Registration system has been designed to eliminate fraud.
Is the President elected directly?
No. Voters are voting for electors who are members of a party.
When is election day?
Election day is the Tuesday after the first Monday in November.
When is the Inauguration of the President?
The President will be inaugurated on January 20 in the year after the election. From this time he is in office.
What are primaries?
At the primaries the parties nominate their candidates. This takes place about 1 year prior to the election.
There are
- closed / semi-closed primaries (e.g. Arizona)
- open primaries (e.g. Missouri)
- blanket primaries (e.g. Lousiana)
What are"caucuses"?
In some states (e.g. Iowa) there are three levels.
1st: local
2nd: district
3rd: state
Voters are voting for electors here, too. (e.g. North Dakota)
What is "Super Tuesday"
At this day there are pre-elections in at least 8 states. The winner of the primaries is most likely the candidate for the elections.
Kinds of Voting Technology
Elections in the United States are administered at the state and local level, and the federal government does not set mandatory standards for voting technologies. 1. Paper Ballots
2. Lever Machines
3. Punchcards
4. Computer (push-buttons)
5. Marksense Forms
6. Electronic Voting
Electoral College
There is a total of 538 electors. In December the electors meet in each states’s capitol to formally elect the President.
The congress meets in joint session to count the electoral votes January 6.
Voting pattern in America
The turn out at the election is only 50%. The problem that has made worse the issue of voter representation is the fact that an individual must initiate voter registration well before election day.

H.W. Longfellow

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was a commanding figure in the cultural life of nineteenth-century America.

 Born in Portland, Maine in 1807, he became a national literary figure by the 1850s, and a world-famous personality by the time of his death in 1882.

 He was a traveler, a linguist, and a romantic who identified with the great traditions of European literature and thought.

 At the same time, he was rooted in American life and history, which charged his imagination with untried themes and made him ambitious for success.


 В день мрачный, тусклый и холодный,
 Дождит, и ветер сумасбродный
 Лозу стремясь сорвать на стенах обветшавших,
 Порывом каждым добавляет листьев павших
 И день уносит, мрачный и холодный.

 Живу я холодно, ненастно,
 Дождит. Хоть ветер рвёт напрасно
 Воспоминания об обветшавшем прежнем,
 Но вдаль уносит юности надежды
 И дни, что холодно-ненастны. 

 Спокойно, сердце! Прочь роптанье;
 Светило из-за туч прольёт сиянье;
 Твоя судьба ничем не хуже каждой,
 И в жизни должен дождь пройти однажды,
 И пасмурные дни страданья.

A Day in My Life

 My name's Olga, I'm  sixteen years of age and I live in Rivne. In this essay I will be talking about a day in my life, this day will be Friday. 

On a Friday, I wake up bright and early, this is normally seven o'clock. I then get dressed into my school uniform, which consists of black trousers, a bright white shirt and  black loafers.

 After making myself look presentable, I go downstairs and make breakfast, some days this is toast and on others it may be cereal, depending on what I'm in the mood for on that morning. 

At ten past eight I leave my front door and begin my short journey to my school.
I would like to tell you a few words about my school life.

I go to school five days a week except Saturday and Sunday when I have deserved rest. Classes in our school start at 8.30 o'clock in the morning  we have 6 or 7 lessons a day. We study a lot of different subjects: English,  literature, History, Geography, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Math, etc. 

A school year is divided into four terms. It begins on the 1st of September known as the Day of knowledge and finishes in May. Each term is followed by holidays that last one week in autumn and spring and two weeks in winter.

пятница, 26 октября 2012 г.


According to the U.S. Weather Bureau, the average monthly temperature in Concord is:

  • January: 21 degrees F, -6 degrees C
  • February: 23 degrees F, -5 degrees C
  • March: 32 degrees F, 0 degrees C
  • April: 44 degrees F, 7 degrees C
  • May: 56 degrees F, 13 degrees C
  • June: 65 degrees F, 18 degrees C
  • July: 70 degrees F, 21 degrees C
  • August: 67 degrees F, 19 degrees C
  • September: 60 degrees F, 16 degrees C
  • October: 49 degrees F, 9 degrees C
  • November: 38 degrees F, 3 degrees C
  • December: 25 degrees F, -4 degrees C
Average monthly precipitation is 3.2".

среда, 24 октября 2012 г.

Physical geography

Hampshire's geology falls into two categories. In the south, along the coast is the "Hampshire Basin", an area of relatively non-resistant Eocene and Oligocene clays and gravelswhich are protected from sea erosion by the Isle of Purbeck, Dorset, and the Isle of Wight. These low, flat lands support heathland and woodland habitats, a large area of which forms part of the New Forest. The New Forest has a mosaic of heathland, grassland, coniferous and deciduous woodland habitats that host diverse wildlife. The forest is protected as a national park, limiting development and agricultural use to protect the landscape and wildlife. Large areas of the New Forest are open common lands kept as a grasslandplagioclimax by grazing animals, including domesticated cattle, pigs and horses, and several wild deer species. Erosion of the weak rock and sea level change flooding the low land has carved several large estuaries and rias, notably the 16 km (9.9 mi) long[21] Southampton

Water and the large convoluted Portsmouth Harbour. The Isle of Wight lies off the coast of Hampshire where the non-resistant rock has been eroded away, forming the Solent.

In the north and centre of the
county the substrate is the rocks of the Chalk Group, which form Salisbury Plain and the South Downs. These are high hills with steep slopes where they border the clays to the south. The hills dip steeply forming a scarp onto the Thames valley to the north, and dip gently to the south.

The highest point in the county is Pilot Hill, which reaches a height of 286 m (938 ft), and lies on the border with West BerkshireButser Hill near Petersfield is the second highest point at 271 metres (889 ft) and lies in theSouth Downs National Park. The highest village in Hampshire is Bentworth, near Alton.

The downland supports a calcareous grassland habitat, important for wild flowers and insects. A large area of the downs is now protected from further agricultural damage by the East Hampshire Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The Itchen and Test are trout rivers that flow from the chalk through wooded valleys into Southampton Water. Nestled in a valley on the downs is Selborne, and the countryside surrounding the village was the location of Gilbert White's pioneering observations on natural history. Hampshire's county flower is the Dog Rose.[22]

Hampshire has a milder climate than most areas of the British Isles,[23] being in the far south with the climate stabilising effect of the sea, but protected against the more extreme weather of the Atlantic coast. Hampshire has a higher average annual temperature than the UK average at 9.8 to 12 °C (50 to 54 °F),[24] average rainfall at 741–1,060 millimetres (29.2–42 in) per year,[25] and higher than average sunshine at over 1541 hours per year.[26]
